The Meaning of Smart Irrigation Month
July 19, 2022
Smart Irrigation Month was created by the Irrigation Association to “promote the social, economic and environmental benefits of efficient irrigation technologies, products and services in landscape, turf and agricultural irrigation.” Celebrated in July, as this month is when water is in highest demand, Smart Irrigation Month provides a unique opportunity to raise awareness about how to combat water scarcity.
Through innovating technology, products and services, the smart irrigation industry is leading the way when it comes to preserving Earth’s most important resource: water. While there are many examples out there of organizations, companies, cities, etc. switching to smart irrigation systems that include weather-based technology, there is a lot more work to do to create awareness about these technologies and make them accessible to as many communities as possible.
At Calsense, Smart Irrigation Month, takes a very important meaning, especially right now when many regions of our country are experiencing severe drought. Our team is truly passionate about what they do, and works hard every day to make sure people understand the benefits of using smart irrigation systems, including saving on money, labor and of course, water. We reached out to Calsense’s industry experts, to learn what this Smart Irrigation Month means to them.
“Smart irrigation is about using the best irrigation tools and practices to help manage the landscape in the most sustainable way possible.” – Keith Schweiger, CLWM, CID, CIC, CLIA, CIT, QWEL – Technical Sales Representative
“Smart Irrigation Month is an opportunity to focus on our most important resource, water. Management and attention are key, to protect and manage so we shall have enough for all. This month’s focus on smart irrigation is a great opportunity to review present policies and procedures and learn about better opportunities to save water!” – Jo Anne Campbell – Sales Development Representative
“When I think of Smart Irrigation Month I think about celebrating the technology that has been utilized in our industry to save water. It is amazing to hear so many stories from other companies, customers, and partners about being smart with our planet’s water.” – Julia Teske – Marketing Communications Manager
“Smart irrigation Month to me is training irrigators to become aware of their plant materials optimum water needs and schedule their irrigation based on these needs.” – Jennifer Gregoris – Account Manager Supervisor
Celebrating Smart Irrigation Month to me is our opportunity/responsibility to share with others the reality that life on earth is not possible without water and to be conscious of that fact in how we live our lives each day and every month to influence others by our own actions to conserve our most precious resource! – Jose Guillermo Perez aka Calsense Joe – Account Manager
Happy Smart Irrigation Month!