Beyond Water: The Holistic Approach to Sustainable Facility Management

June 10, 2024

In today’s world, sustainability is a key focus in facility management. While water management is a big part of this, a holistic approach that includes various sustainable practices can have a major impact on how facilities operate. We will explore the broader effects of sustainable water management, showing how Calsense’s solutions help achieve sustainability goals, and take a look at the University of Texas at Austin as a case study of successful implementation.

The Broader Impact of Sustainable Water Management

Environmental Impact

Sustainable water management is crucial for reducing water waste, protecting local ecosystems, and cutting down on carbon emissions. By using water efficiently, facilities can reduce the pressure on local water resources and support biodiversity. Good water management also lowers the energy needed for water treatment and distribution, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Economic Benefits

Sustainable water management can lead to significant cost savings. Using less water means lower utility bills, and efficient resource management reduces overall operating costs. Facilities can also benefit from financial incentives and rebates for sustainable practices, making them more economically viable.

Social and Community Benefits

Sustainable water management improves a facility’s reputation in the community by showing a commitment to environmental stewardship. It creates healthier environments for employees and visitors by improving air quality and reducing pollution. Additionally, showcasing sustainable practices provides educational opportunities and inspires others to follow suit.

Integrating Sustainable Water Management into Overall Facility Operations

Energy Efficiency

Water management and energy conservation go hand in hand. Using water efficiently reduces the energy needed for heating, cooling, and transporting water. Integrating water management with energy conservation technologies maximizes resource efficiency and reduces overall energy consumption.

Waste Management

Reducing water waste directly improves waste management. Efficient water use cuts down on the volume of wastewater generated, easing the burden on waste treatment systems. By integrating water management with recycling and waste reduction programs, facilities can further enhance their sustainability efforts.

Building Maintenance and Longevity

Proper water management benefits building infrastructure by reducing wear and tear. Controlled water usage prevents issues like mold growth, corrosion, and structural damage, extending the lifespan of building components and lowering maintenance costs.

How Calsense’s Solutions Contribute to Comprehensive Sustainability Goals

Innovative Water Management Technologies

Calsense’s smart irrigation systems lead the way in sustainable water management. These systems use advanced sensors and controllers to optimize irrigation schedules based on real-time weather data and plant needs, ensuring water is used efficiently. Calsense also offers advanced water monitoring and leak detection tools that help identify and fix issues quickly, preventing water loss.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Calsense’s solutions use data analytics to enable optimal water usage. Real-time adjustments based on environmental conditions ensure that irrigation is precisely tailored to the landscape’s needs, minimizing waste. This data-driven approach empowers facility managers to make informed decisions that enhance sustainability.

Integration with Other Sustainable Practices

Calsense’s solutions are designed to work seamlessly with other sustainable practices. For example, their systems can be powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar power, further reducing the environmental footprint. Additionally, Calsense supports sustainable landscaping practices, promoting the use of native plants and efficient irrigation techniques.

Case Study: University of Texas at Austin

Overview of the Project

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) is dedicated to sustainability. The construction of the Moody Center, a multi-purpose arena, provided an opportunity to implement advanced water management practices. Completed in April 2022, the Moody Center is irrigated using 100% reclaimed water, significantly reducing the demand for municipal potable water.

Implementation of Calsense Solutions

UT Austin uses 138 smart irrigation controllers from Calsense to manage its extensive landscape. These controllers adjust watering schedules based on weather data and plant needs. The use of reclaimed water for irrigation has proven highly effective. Advanced flow meters and pressure-regulated sprinkler heads further enhance water conservation efforts.

Results and Benefits

Implementing Calsense solutions has led to significant water savings and a substantial reduction in municipal water use at UT Austin. The smart irrigation system ensures efficient water distribution, preventing wastage and maintaining the health of the landscape. Moreover, the automated system status alerts and data analytics provided by Calsense save time and labor, allowing the irrigation team to address issues promptly and allocate resources efficiently.


Sustainable water management is a critical part of holistic facility management. By integrating water management with energy efficiency, waste management, and building maintenance practices, facilities can achieve comprehensive sustainability goals. Calsense’s innovative solutions provide the tools needed to optimize water use and contribute to broader environmental, economic, and social benefits. The University of Texas at Austin serves as a prime example of how effective water management can enhance sustainability, demonstrating the tangible benefits of Calsense’s technologies.

We encourage all facility managers to adopt sustainable practices and explore solutions for enhanced facility management. By taking a holistic approach to sustainability, we can create healthier environments, reduce costs, and positively impact our communities and the planet.

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